Welcome to Swordpunk
Cool Things with Sharp and Dangerous Objects
- Sword Fighting
- Archery
- Knife Throwing
- Whip Cracking
- Rope Dart

& Merry Making

- Fire Circle
- Blacksmithing
- Boat Jousting
- Feasting
What is Swordpunk?
Mastering the art of playing it cool with sharp and dangerous objects
Swordpunks are fond of playing with rope darts, sword fighting, knife throwing, cracking whips, archery, throwing spears and axes. We can see by that glint in your eye that you’re a soulmate.
Come and play for the Weekend.
Pitch your tent in the luxury of a private estate in the breath-taking Warwickshire countryside. Stroll up to The Shattered Shield – gathering point and watering hole. Greet and be greeted by old comrades and those new to the games who are old friends just waiting to be made. Train, feast and play with this merry band of troubadours, warriors and reprobates.
Each day begins with breakfast and a warm up to make sure all are ready for the day’s activities. Choose your workshop and go to it!
Medieval sword-fighting, drumming, knife and axe throwing, circus skills, empty hand, rope-dart, blacksmithing, whip-cracking, archery, pole-arms, – we truly do have something for everyone. Challenge yourself and others with the tug-of-war, boat jousting or an impromptu bow battle. Nothing gets the blood pumping like Swordpunk.
But there’s more even than that!
Dress up for the closing night Swordpunk Fire Circle. Swashbuckling Games, Fire Performers, Drummers, and feasting and making merry with comrades old and new.
Repleat and relaxed, gather around the fire regaled by bards and musicians with songs and sagas well into the softness of night.
Interview with
Frankie & Becks